
Bihar Police SI Result 2024, Check Daroga Exam Cut-Off Marks, Merit List

By Bharat Job Result

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Bihar Police SI Result 2024, Check Daroga Exam Cut-Off Marks, Merit List: The Bihar Police Subordinate Services Commission (BPSSC) will announce the results of the Bihar Police Sub-Inspector Examination 2023. Candidates who have taken part in the Preliminary Written Examination held on 17 December 2023 can check the Bihar Police SI Result on the official website of BPSSC at www.bpssc.bih.nic.in.

Bihar Police SI Result 2024-Overviews

Conducting AuthorityBihar Police Sub- Ordinate Service Commission (BPSSC)
Article NameBihar Police SI Result 2024
Number of vacancy1275
Examination dateDecember 17, 2023 प्रारंभिक (Pre )
BPSSC SI Result 2024Expected in January, 2024 Last Week
Result ModeOnline
Official websitebpssc.bih.nic.in

BPPSC SI Cut-Off Marks

Once the BPPSC SI Result is declared, the examination authority will finalize the selection of candidates based on their performance in the written examination and interview round combined. Candidates must secure a minimum required mark, also known as a cut-off, to qualify for the final selection.

The cut-off marks are determined by considering various aspects such as the number of total vacancies, number of applicants, difficulty level of the question paper, number of exam takers, and maximum and minimum marks secured by the candidates. We will provide updates here with the expected cut-off marks. You are advised to keep checking the official website regularly for Bihar SI Results, Cut off Scores, and Merit List.

Here are category-wise expected Cut-off marks:

CategoryExpected Cut-Off Marks
General90-95 Marks
OBC80-85 Marks
SC75-80 Marks
ST75-80 Marks
EWS80-85 Marks

Bihar Sub Inspector Merit List PDF

Candidates who successfully clear the written test will be invited for a physical assessment per the selection criteria. The physical examination comprises two tests: an endurance test and a physical standard test. Each physical test has specific requirements that candidates must meet to qualify for the Sub Inspector posts.

How To Check Bihar Police SI Result 2024 Online

Please follow the steps given below to check Bihar Police SI Result 2024 on the official website of the Bihar Police Subordinate Services Commission (BPSSC):

  1. Visit the official website of BPSSC by clicking on www.bpssc.bih.nic.in.
  2. On the homepage, look for the “Results” section. You’ll see a list of recent exam results.
  3. Find the link for “Bihar Police SI Result 2024”.
  4. Click on the link. This will open a PDF file containing the roll numbers of candidates who have qualified for the next stage of the selection process.
  5. Search for your roll number in the PDF file.
  6. If you find your roll number, congratulations! You have qualified for the next stage of the selection process.
  7. If your roll number is not on the list, don’t worry. You can still check the official cut-off marks released by the BPSSC to see if you have met the minimum qualifying score.

Important Links 

Bihar Police SI Result 2024 SoonCheck Link
Official websiteCheck Link

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